Keynote: Agile Methods, Testing and Quality Assurance |
Agile development methods incorporate testing throughout the development process. Test driven development puts unit testing ahead of coding itself. Programmers and testers work together on automating acceptance testing, achieving better better success
than with traditional approaches. And frequent delivery to the customer focuses agile teams on true customer satisfaction, rather than just meeting the letter of the requirements. In this talk, Bret Pettichord will describe common practices and tools for agile testing and
will present his view that agile methods actually constitute a new philosophy of quality assurance.
Bret Pettichord
Agile from the Front Lines |
Agile processes are widely touted in articles and books. But how well do they actually work? What do the books not tell you? In this talk, experiences of one early adopter will be related. In his case, XP has been used from products to embedded systems
to Web-based applications over the last seven years. What are the hidden assumptions? Where are the real management challenges? How do you fight the negative perceptions? How do you provide measurements to keep sponsors and senior IT executives comfortable? These and other
key lessons are related in this talk, including the particular optimizations of agile that the presenter has found useful.
Fred George
Agile AI |
Using Agile methodologies to develop complex scientific software presents challenges not encountered in the business/enterprise software space .This talk deals with the lessons learned and adaptations made to XP during the development of a Distributed
Machine Learning Framework using unorthodox languages , programming paradigms and distribution architectures.
Ravi Mohan
Introduction To Extreme Programming |
An overview of the philosophy and concepts behind Extreme Programming as well as going through the values, practices and principles of the methodology itself.
Owen Rogers
Keynote: Agility - Myths and Reality |
This heavily XP biased presentation covers diverse and controversial topics such as "ISO/CMM Vs. XP", "Documentation is Taboo", "Agilists do not do design".
Dakshinamurthy Karra
Agile Metrics |
I am planning to cover various metrics that would help to manage agile projects. The metrics include Velocity, Volatility,Defect Density, etc, and also need for these metrics. The presentation would also include some sample data.
Mohan would be sharing his experience(through presentation) on how Agile methodology made a difference in a failed project(implemented using the Waterfall methodology). During this presentation, people will get an opportunity to uncover the pitfalls of waterfall model.
Venkatesh Krishnamurthy and Mohan Kumar
User Centered Interaction Design in Agile Environment |
Agile processes like Extreme Programming (XP), widely touted for their developmental efficiency and code quality, also their focus on close collaboration between customer team and development team. But it doesn't address, how exactly does the customer
team arrive at appropriate functionality to implement? When and how the user and usability come into picture? What is the role of design and designers?
This presentation focuses on using a User Centered Interaction Design approach, to select appropriate functionality, and then feed it forward into an agile development environment.
Henry Jacob
Reconciling XP and ISO 9001/2000 |
As agile methodologies are gaining mind-share in development communities, it is necessary to reconcile with the certification needs of organizations. In this experience report a process framework, Subex Development Process, will be discussed that can
achieve both the objectives.
Abhay Chandra Das
Refactoring with Eclipse |
Refactoring, improving the design of existing code with minimum risk, is a fundamental part of Agile development techniques. This tutorial will be a hands-on introduction to refactoring using the Eclipse IDE. As developers, we often need to make
changes to code that is not well structured, because requirements change, or someone didn't quite understand the requirement last time. Large rewrites are risky because it's hard to avoid new bugs, but you can get there with small behaviour-preserving transformations
called "Refactorings". Since each refactoring is small, it's unlikely to go wrong and the system is always kept working. Applied consistently, developers can make significant changes without ever breaking the working application.
Chris Stevenson, Yogendra Kulkarni and Mujiruddin Shaikh
TDD With C++ - Using CPPUnit |
This workshop aims at understanding various test mechanisms available in CPPUnit through example programs.
Syed Nayeemuddin
XP Game |
Learn iteration planning essentials via an exciting game.
Santosh Reddy, Chirdeep Shetty, Sapna Maheswari, Karthik Ramachandra, Mujiruddin Shaikh, Anandha Krishnan |
Some Ideas Behind Agile |
Code is Design, No ivory towers, Documentation is an intermediate product, A knowledge organization has to be people dependent in the collective sense etc.
Sriram Narayan
Continuous Integration using Damage Control |
Avik Sengupta
Test First User Interfaces |
A discussion on some techniques for unit testing UI and why one might want to try this.
Owen Rogers
Automated Codebase Analysis |
Techniques to measure and control project-wide quality and quickly target areas of large code bases in most need of refactoring.
Simon Harris
Agile Maintenance |
Why Agile is best suited for maintenance projects.
Naresh Jain
RubyUnit: Unit Testing in Ruby |
Talk on how to use RubyUnit to satisfy the Unit Testing aspect of XP.
Premshree Pillai
Agile Offshore - A Developer's Perspective |
Ajay Danait
Agile or Non-agile - CONTEXT is the Sense; BALANCE is the Essence |
When it comes to Software Quality/Processes, there are different schools of thoughts that are fighting almost like fundamentalists. Each one is trying to propagate that their 'religion' is the best and the only solution to the challenges of producing
software. It is for the wise to take the best of breed from these schools of thoughts and produce the software that is in the CONTEXT of the Customer and the Business. This talk is an attempt to look at the fundamental nature of software creation and then to recommend a
BALANCED approach to creating software.
Vishweshwar Hegde, MindTree |
Bringing XP into your project |
With heavy emphasis on practical examples and a case study, this topic will be of interest to team leads who wants to use XP in their projects.
Dakshinamurthy Karra
Test Driven Development in .NET |
Acceptance testing with Marathon |
Introduces the Marathon Automated Testing Tool for JFC Swing Projects and web based Projects. This tutorial provides in depth view of the tool, its architecture and best practices for automating tests.
Santosh S
Agile Project Management using Zepp |
Zepp is an open source Project management tool suited to the management of Agile projects. Agile development projects do not attempt to capture and freeze requirements before the commencement of development activities. Rather the requirements are
allowed to evolve and the product is developed over several releases iteratively. Zepp captures the agile development process but at the same time focuses on collection of "just in time" metrics that allows for management reporting. This enables "agile" to be practiced
even in process-heavy (CMM like) environments.
Suresh Vaidyanathan |
Offshore Product Development using Agile methodology |
Product development has its unique challenges and distributed product development with offshore as an extension, further increases these challenges in keeping up with the changing needs and priorities that a product company always has to deal with. In
this session SKD will discuss some strategies and techniques he and his team have employed to successfully execute product development work in various scenarios; and the associated challenges. The team has been involved in Development, R&D and Sustenance work from an
offshore setup using Hybrid Agile methodologies. This session will be a combination of discussion and presentation.
Soumendra Kumar Das(SKD)
Agile Web Application Development using Zope/Python |
This session will cover the process of web application development using Zope/Python. Python as a dynamic programming language with built-in strong typing is particlarly suitable for agile development. Zope is an application server built using Python,
that offers advanced infrastructure facilities like Acquisition. Together, these two technologies offer the developer tremendous power that enables the development of complex applications through a "Keep is Simple" incremental approach.
Suresh Vaidyanathan |
Agile Methodologies + Kernel Programming = ? |
Agile - mandatory by methodology to turn the dial for good practices to the extreme, always. Kernel Programming (KP)- mandatory by necessity to follow extreme practices to make anything work, always. So, what values can KP draw from Agile?
Mridul Jain
Pair Programming in Practice |
A hands-on workshop on Pair Programming.
Martin Andersen and Suresh Harikrishnan
Agile low fidelity prototyping - interaction and interface design by stealth |
- Define terms (agile, low fidelity, interaction, interface) - Explore that definition of Agile beyond the context of code (core cycle of test and refine) - Set context (difficulty of eliciting clear stories / requirements, tendency to delay / ignore
consideration of an applications interaction and interface design) - Describe business and technical risk (Agile approach appropriate to mitigating both) - Examine story elicitation driven by a high level process model (with example) - Show examples of lo-fi prototypes
(tied back to and driving story writing / refinement) - Explore dual benefits of story / requirements clarification that supports early consideration of interaction and interface design - Review / recap on the power of an approach that is both Agile and visual - Questions
and answers
Luke Barrett